Discover Axel & Lolo with New Track “You’d Like Me More” 

By Kaiana Lee

There’s tons of discourse about how TikTok affects the music industry. People argue that it’s flooding the scene with too many musicians or that it’s leading to lackluster releases from artists who feel pressured to follow the app’s trends. I get where they’re coming from, but let me tell you, TikTok is more than just viral sounds. It’s actually given rise to some amazing talent and opened doors for new artists like never before. That’s where Axel & Lolo come in. These two are the real deal, even though they’ve only got a handful of videos on their account and are just starting out. 

With a little over a thousand followers, Axel & Lolo might not be household names yet, but their music goes beyond just popularity. The duo released their first single, “You'd Like Me More,” back in May, and it’s a real coming-of-age story, detailing the realization that not everyone wants to grow. These two have a true gift for writing lyrics that are complex, but relatable at the same time. “You’d Like Me More” has this nostalgic vibe, kind of like Cavetown or Beabadoobee. They’ve carved out their own sound, a sweet spot between indie pop and folk, that’s truly unique to them. When you listen, it's like being gently transported to a place of memories, whether they’re real or imagined. The soundscape these two create with their vocals alone is pure magic. 

Though they’re newcomers to the music scene, mark my words, Axel & Lolo are going to take the indie folk genre by storm with their dreamy acoustics. I can’t wait to see what else they have in store for the world.


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